giovedì, 03/11/2011

L’ultimo posto dove ti aspetteresti di trovare Berlusconi oggi: NME

E mentre là fuori l'economia e la politica vanno in vacca ogni giorno di più, finisci per imbatterti in Berlusconi persino sul sito del più celebre giornale musicale inglese. Forse qualche lettore britannico alla vista della notizia avrà pensato a uno scherzo. Noi invece sappiamo che no.



Controversial Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has apparently delayed the release of his new album, ‘True Love’, because of his country’s financial troubles and his own trial which sees him accused of paying for sex with an alleged underage prostitute.


The album, his fourth with guitarist and former parking attendant Mariano Apicella, was due for release in September. However, it has been pushed back to November 22, reportedly because he is busy dealing with Italy’s huge debt as well as his own troubles in office, according to The Guardian.


Berlusconi, who used to sing on cruise ships, has sung for a host of his fellow world leaders, including Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin and George W Bush at his villa in Sardinia – the same place that his notorious ‘bunga-bunga’ parties took place. 


One of the other musicians on the album, Angelo Valsiglio, said in an interview with Italian music magazine Viva Verdi that the record is a "really elegant and refined production with Brazilian hints". [#]

Un commento a “L’ultimo posto dove ti aspetteresti di trovare Berlusconi oggi: NME”:

  1. Altromondo ha detto:

    Non sapevo che il Berlusca avesse in mente di fare un album. Io lo vedrei bene in un gruppo glam rock stile Hanoi Rocks…