mercoledì, 21/10/2009

I know I was a scout I should’ve found a way out

Colpevolmente non avevo ancora linkato lo spettacolare video di The Whale Song dei Modest Mouse, il mio pezzo preferito dalla recente raccolta di recenti B-sides No one’s first and you are next (di cui parlavo già qui). Un delirio visivo di altissima qualità con un concept visionario e ambizioso che ben si addice alla band di Isaac Brock.

After entering his personal sanctuary, an artist is presented with a hand-crafted drawing tool that assists him in materializing his mental impressions. The machine discharges his thoughts as an endless web of yarn that guides him through his physical thoughts. The story progresses to reveal that he is divided between two worlds, one of dull reality and the second of warped memories. In the process of finding a way out of his consciousness, he is trapped between the two competing spaces, which eventually inflict lethal damage, acting as metaphors to self-destruction. [#]


Tutte le info sul making of sul sito del regista Nando Costa, foto di scena qui e qui.


2 Commenti a “I know I was a scout I should’ve found a way out”:

  1. utente anonimo ha detto:

    … mai abbastanza!
    bellissime immagini, e ottime anche le lumache!!!


  2. utente anonimo ha detto:

    Ma quanti video hanno fatto i Modest Mouse per una semplice raccolta di B-sides?