venerdì, 21/05/2004

nessun titolo

Bentornato Morrissey
L’uscita di You are the quarry è alle porte, e mentre da una parte lo si incensa, mentre dall’altra lo si stronca, basta dare un’occhiata veloce ai testi per capire che Moz non ha perso il tocco:

This world is full, So full of crashing bores
And I must be one, ‘Cos no one ever turns to me to say
Take me in your arms, Take me in your arms, And love me
[The world is full of crashing bores]

Monday – humiliation, Tuesday – suffocation, Wednesday – condescension, Thursday – is pathetic
By Friday life has killed me, By Friday life has killed me, Oh pretty one, Oh pretty one
[I have forgiven Jesus]

You and I just smile
Because we’re thinking the same lines
[I like you]

She told me she loved me, Which means She must be insane
I’ve had my face dragged in Fifteen miles of shit, And I do not, And I do not, And I do not like it
So how can anybody say They know how I feel, The only one around here who is me, Is me
[How could anybody possibly know how I feel]

Ma soprattutto:
Close your eyes And think of someone You physically admire
And let me kiss you, Let me kiss you
[Let me kiss you]

2 Commenti a “nessun titolo”:

  1. Error ha detto:

    Inutile dire che mi fermo tre secondi prima di fare un post assolutamente identico al tuo. Ben mi sta a seguire i consigli dell’amico Urbani ed averlo cercato per negozi di dischi per dieci giorni.