lunedì, 30/07/2012

Generation Sell

Cosa caratterizza e distingue le nuove generazioni dalle vecchie? Cosa si cela sotto il meta-tutto, il post-tutto, l'approccio autoironico e la continua ricerca di novità dei figli degli anni zero (gli hipsters, ma più genericamente, i cosiddetti millenials)?

William Deresiewicz in Generation Sell prova a dare una risposta sul New York Times. Non completamente a fuoco, ma con alcuni passaggi convincenti, come questo: 


Well, we’re all in showbiz now, walking on eggshells, relentlessly tending our customer base. We’re all selling something today, because even if we aren’t literally selling something (though thanks to the Internet as well as the entrepreneurial ideal, more and more of us are), we’re always selling ourselves. We use social media to create a product — to create a brand — and the product is us. We treat ourselves like little businesses, something to be managed and promoted. [#]

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